Inspiroivia projekteja

Valitse eri suodattimet inspiraatiota varten. Täältä löydät julkisivuja, lattioita, keittiöitä, työtasoja, kylpyhuoneita, seinäpäällysteitä ja erilaisia todellisten projektien tiloja ympäri maailman.


A bathroom where past and present come together at Casa Decor 2024

Casa Decor, the most eagerly awaited interior design event of the year held in Madrid for professionals and amateurs alike, is back. And,...

5 tuntia ago | Written by: Cosentino

Desing and functionality in the Balearic Islands

Designed by the prize winning architect Jano Blanco, Villa Omnia is a handsome, modern and elegant luxury villa 550 m2 in size, located on...

6 tuntia ago | Written by: Cosentino

The Pheasantry Café in Bushy Park, London, gets a facelift with the help of Cosentino

Nestled in the leafy oasis of Bushy Park sits The Pheasantry Café, a solace for families, dog walkers and weekend amblers in search of...

8 tuntia ago | Written by: Cosentino

The Place: Yorkshire’s first zero carbon workspace with Silestone

Home to Yorkshire Housing Association, The Place is Yorkshire’s first zero carbon workspace. With sustainability, innovation and...

9 tuntia ago | Written by: Cosentino

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