Image of 1080x1120 – 1 1 in Apdaila - Cosentino


The walls in your home are a wide area where you can reflect the trends that you like the most and to get the atmosphere that you look for. Moreover, they play an important role in a structural level, thus it is essential to pay attention in the materials’ selection that will take part in its construction.

Image of in Apdaila - Cosentino

Unlimited materials

Cosentino materials boast unbeatable technical features and offer a range of design possibilities from classic natural stones and granites, to materials inspired by concrete and metals.The possibilities offered by our range are endless, with over 100 colors spanning all our brands, solid colors or patterns, high-gloss polished finishes or rough textures in a matte finish.

Contact our sales team and receive assistance for your project

Our brands

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Image of logo silestone web crop 1 in Apdaila - Cosentino

Silestone is a hybrid surface of minerals and recycled materials which can bring colour and texture to your space. Thanks to its exclusive and innovative HybriQ + technology, maintenance is minimal and high resistance to stains and scratches is guaranteed.

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Image of DEKTON LOGO 2 in Apdaila - Cosentino

„Dekton“ yra „Cosentino“ novatoriškas, itin kompaktiškas paviršius, technologiškai pažangi medžiaga, sukurta derinant sudėtingą mineralų mišinį. Tai tvirta ir universali medžiaga, puikiai tinkanti naudoti tiek gyvenamosiose patalpose, tiek didesniuose projektuose.

Image of 255x256 1 in Apdaila - Cosentino
Image of A MGFjZjlkZDY2YjhlM2JmOSK4 vLorih8sPYXKy 36TMPa5bnpwuYzqOSCyyVZhoSeSd3NbRImVeCFhEvc5YbrMhrH8jZis5rYga7zu494w2cwRu7r3GqQqN YYWiBs11 1 1 in Apdaila - Cosentino

„Sensa“ suteikia galimybę mėgautis natūraliu akmeniu per daug nesirūpinant jo priežiūra. Dėl revoliucinės, nuo dėmių saugančios dangos, ši medžiaga tinka naudoti kasdien.

Image of Cosentino Living Marca Scalea in Apdaila - Cosentino
Image of A MGFjZjlkZDY2YjhlM2JmOZvvehbxQm7h3Xl010dLDGn1TCfKxB6hU x0ijDAaaA622mvkEZj 1KpP7AdPOl Qdbes cdtrsghtVEYIFL6HbZney3 pA1Mh59FTjuLmwU 2 1 in Apdaila - Cosentino

„Cosentino“ atrinko platų akmenų asortimentą iš viso pasaulio: skalūnai, bazaltai, Brazilijos granitai, travertinai… Sužinokite daugiau ir atraskite spalvų ir apdailos pasaulį.

Inspirational projects

Profesionalų forma

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