Imagem número 32 da actual secção de Canal de Ética da Cosentino Portugal

Temos o prazer de apresentar nosso Canal de Ética.

Nós ouvimos você.

We want to listen to our stakeholders to find out first-hand what is happening in our environment. With this aim in mind, we present the Ethics Channel. Cosentino’ s whistleblowing channel where anyone related to Cosentino can anonymously and confidentially report irregularities or breaches of our Code of Ethics, Conduct and Regulatory Compliance, applicable legislation, or any other internal Cosentino regulations in this respect.

This channel stresses the importance of acting in accordance with the law and with our corporate culture in which ethics, honesty and responsibility must always guide our way of doing things.

If you are aware of any conduct that may keep us away from being an ethical, responsible, and fair company, please let us know.

Check the status of your communication here

Ethics Channel does not act as a communication channel for collaborators or suppliers, it is not the appropriate channel to submit complaints and it does not act as a customer service channel. For this purpose Cosentino has various specialised channels available depending on the query: invoicing and payments- related queries (; other queries from collaborators and suppliers ( please contact with your person of contact at Purchasing Department); and Customer Service (