House in Yanakacho

Taiga Kasai + Chong Aehyang Architecture / KACH
Yanakacho, Japan

This private house stands out because of a floating perimeter of translucent polycarbonate that has the effect of connecting the interior to the surroundings

Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 3.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino

Skåpet av genomskinlig polykarbonat definierar husets rumsliga karaktär och designen är utformad efter de boendes funktionella behov. Matsalen och köket ligger på den öppna bottenvåningen, omgiven av andra utrymmen. Dessa rum är placerade på olika höjder och ansluter varsamt till varandra, utan skiljeväggar. Även om de mer privata områdena är på övervåningen eller delvis gömda, är de kopplade till resten, på ett sådant sätt att man kan känna varandras närvaro.

Behind the enclosure, residents upstairs are hidden from view, but when they go down to ground level, they can choose to be seen, presenting themselves to the community. The outdoor curtain placed under the polycarbonate perimeter makes it possible to open and close up the space, as needed. In this way, the family can vary its involvement in public life from one moment to the next, as desired. The result is an open home, in continuous movement, that makes the occupants’ lives part of the town, and the town their garden.

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Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 6.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 7.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 5.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 9.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 8.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 10.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 14.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 12.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 15.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 16.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 17.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho 18.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino
Image of 20220707 KACH HouseYanakacho Plans.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in House in Yanakacho - Cosentino

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