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Virksomhedens etik

Hos Cosentino er vi fuldt engagerede i at overholde juridiske krav, men også etiske forpligtelser, god praksis og standarder, som organisationen frivilligt har besluttet at overholde.

De udstikker retningen for udviklingen af vores aktiviteter og forretning og giver Cosentino mulighed for at opbygge tillidsfulde relationer med sine interessenter.

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Interne politikker

Cosentinos interne politikker regulerer forskellige områder af virksomhedens aktiviteter og er obligatoriske for medlemmerne af vores organisation og de interessenter, som de gælder for.

With this objective in mind, we promote our Code of Ethics, Conduct and Regulatory Compliance, as an essential internal rule that establishes the principles of an ethical and responsible behaviour based on integrity, professional commitment, and good practices of the organisation.

The result of this ethical internalisation, a true culture of compliance present in the organisation, stems from the will of the company’s senior management and must serve to ensure that Cosentino is recognised internally and externally for what it does and how it does it.

Politikker for overholdelse

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Code of Ethics, Conduct and Regulatory Compliance


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Regulation of the Operation of the Compliance Body in Relation to the Ethics Channel


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Ethical Channel Management Procedure



Overholdelsesfunktionen hos COSENTINO repræsenteres af overholdelsesorganet, som består af fire medlemmer af organisationen.

Global vicedirektør for personale
Direktør for intern revision
Corporate Legal Manager
En intern juridisk rådgiver

The role of the Compliance Body is to ensure awareness and compliance with the Code of Ethics, Conduct and Regulatory Compliance, the Compliance Policy and any other related internal policies and regulations, as well as to manage the Ethics Channel, in order to promote compliance with the law, commitment to professional, ethical and responsible behaviour of the company and all of its employees.

The Compliance Body is entitled to take independent action or act at the request of any employee or person belonging to our stakeholders by means of a communication made in good faith submitted through the Ethics Channel.

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Etisk kanal

Den etiske kanal giver enhver person mulighed for at indsende en meddelelse på en fuldstændig fortrolig og anonym (hvis det ønskes) måde vedrørende et eventuelt brud på kodekset for etik, adfærd og overholdelse af lovkrav eller eventuelle andre interne eller eksterne forordninger.

Adgang til den etiske kanal