Image 32 of Silestone.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino
Image 33 of Dusk 9.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino

Ethereal Dusk

Avantgarde-geometri i en blå nuance

The bluish tone in the interior of each of its veins gives it a modern touch that, in combination with its avant-garde geometric directionality, makes Ethereal Dusk one of the most urban and modern designs in the collection.

It pairs perfectly with dark colors such as black and brown. Reddish woods and metals with hints of rust such as gunmetal or antique cut metals like bronzes and coppers are also good partners for this color.

Image 34 of Dusk 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino
Image 35 of Ethereal Dusk Tabla v2 4.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino
Image 36 of Bodegon Ethereal Dusk 9.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino


Formats: Jumbo: 158 x 320 cm
Tykkelser: 1,2 cm, 2 cm og 3 cm

Nærmeste forhandler

Silestone fordele

Image 37 of Group 10.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino

Høj ridsefasthed

Hverdagsbrug og almindelig slid ridser ikke Silestone.
Image 38 of Group 9.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino


Den lave porøsitet gør overfladen ekstemt pletafvisende.
Image 39 of Group 13.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino

Høj stødresistens

Tåler almindelige stød og slag.
Image 40 of Group 11.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino

Høj syreresistens

Silestones lave porøsitet forhindrer skader af genstridige pletter.
Image 41 of hybriq 1.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino


Image 42 of Group 19 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino 100% genbrugsvand
0% Discharge of liquids into rivers and oceans

Image 43 of Group 20 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino 100% vedvarende elektrisk energi

Image 44 of Group 22 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino 20% Recycled Materials (min).

Image 49 of Dusk 3.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Ethereal Dusk - Cosentino

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