842H Tampines St82

842H Tampines St82

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Form & space pte ltd


842h tampines st82__ functional, with a casual trendy vibe. existing kitchen was opened up to create and enlarged space to allow for a brighter foyer cum dining space upon entering. the new space caters for a variety of functions from cooking, washing, hosting or even gatherings. carefully planned spaces houses the various appliances that would make a cafe owner blush, not to mention a full sized walk in dry pantry. this frees up valuable counter space which serves more purpose for the owners, and visually lengthening the space. the dry kitchen is centered where the original dining is supposed to be, houses a full sized kitchen island, attached to an extendable dining table to cater to the homeowner's hosting of friends and family. sintered stone surface furnishes by cosentino adds to the premium look and feel of the space.

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