DKTN: High-performance flooring for Interior floors

Variety of finishes, versatility of uses and easy maintenance. DKTN is a great choice for interior pavements of high quality and durability.

Bildnummer 32 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Indoor flooring von Cosentino Deutschland

Large format, minimal number of joints

The large DKTN format, measuring 3200 x 1440 mm, allows for the number of joints to be reduced significantly. Likewise, the dimensions of the joints (thanks to the low linear expansion of DKTN) are reduced to 2 mm, the minimum possible measurement. The combination of little separation by joints and its incredible flatness (superior to ceramics) enhances the prolongation effect and the visual continuity of the material.

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Bildnummer 33 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Indoor flooring von Cosentino Deutschland

Recommended for High Traffic projects

DKTN has optimal performance with high traffic floors, resisting the heavy transit of pedestrians and light vehicles with hardly any wear when compared to less crowded areas.

Bildnummer 34 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Indoor flooring von Cosentino Deutschland

Infinite cutting for any colour and size

The cutting of the floor is an aesthetic resource in interior design that reaches its maximum potential with DKTN. This material encourages interaction between colours and sizes thanks to its wide colour palette and the ability to cut it.

The tables are designed to be presented in a format where the material stands out because of its size, or in smaller dimensions where the material stands out on account of its quality in detail or texture.

Thanks to the versatility of DKTN, it is possible to make an “all-in-one” product, using the same material and/or thickness for the facade, base or skirting board and for the flooring, lending continuity to the whole project.

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