Numéro d'image 32 de la section actuelle de CTOP introduces Ash Studio de Cosentino France

CTOP introduces Ash Studio

L'art de la décoration intérieure durable: l'histoire de la réussite d'Ash Studio

Numéro d'image 33 de la section actuelle de CTOP introduces Ash Studio de Cosentino France

Le parcours de Sophie Andries

La vision de Sophie Andries en tant qu'architecte d'intérieur va au-delà de l'aspect purement visuel. En tant que force motrice d'Ash Studio, elle combine expertise technique et vision esthétique. Après avoir étudié à l'école supérieure Sint-Lucas de Gand, elle s'est retrouvée dans un bureau de dessin, où elle a acquis une expertise en tant que dessinateur technique. Son parcours l'a menée du statut de dessinateur à celui de calculatrice, puis, il y a quatre ans, à celui d'indépendante. Avec son mari, ingénieur en structures, elle travaille sur des projets d'avenir en vue d'unir ses forces dans Ash Studio.

La vision et la méthode de travail d'Ash Studio

Tout a commencé avec un nouveau projet de construction à Saint-Nicolas. En travaillant en étroite collaboration avec le client, Sophie a découvert son don pour comprendre les clients et transformer leurs désirs esthétiques en conceptions fonctionnelles. Elle explique : "Je sens toujours très vite où les gens veulent aller, à quoi ils se heurtent et ont besoin de mon aide. Le résultat final doit être non seulement beau, mais aussi convivial et en phase avec leur mode de vie. Le style de vie du client est un aspect crucial de mon plan d'aménagement intérieur.

L'approche de Sophie en matière de décoration d'intérieur se distingue par l'importance qu'elle accorde aux aspects techniques, à la planification et à la durabilité. Elle insiste sur l'importance d'une bonne base, en combinant son expertise technique en tant que reporter à l'EPB avec l'architecture d'intérieur. En partant des plans de construction et d'une connaissance approfondie du mode de vie, elle crée des espaces adaptés aux besoins du client.

Numéro d'image 34 de la section actuelle de CTOP introduces Ash Studio de Cosentino France

Le premier project de Ash Studio, Krekel

Récemment, elle a alterné de plus en plus entre les projets résidentiels et les projets B2B. La transformation d'un espace vide en un bureau haut de gamme en un peu plus de trois mois a marqué un tournant dans ce domaine. Ce projet B2B exigeant a nécessité une étroite collaboration avec l'architecte Charlotte Pieters et une grande précision dans le choix des matériaux. Ici, dans la cuisine, Sophie a choisi un plan de travail Cosentino Dekton Lunar dans une couleur identique à celle du revêtement en microciment. La correspondance exacte des couleurs a été possible grâce à la large sélection d'échantillons fournis par Cosentino, qui ont été testés à la lumière du jour afin d'assurer une transition transparente. 

B2B project Medizorg

La durabilité comme fil conducteur

La collaboration avec Cosentino n'a pas été un événement ponctuel ; Sophie s'est engagée en faveur du développement durable et le fait savoir depuis l'aménagement intérieur jusqu'à la sélection des matériaux. L'engagement à long terme de Cosentino en faveur de la neutralisation des émissions de CO2, des énergies renouvelables et du recyclage en fait un partenaire logique : "Cosentino est vraiment à l'avant-garde en matière de plans de travail. La durabilité est un facteur important dans ma pratique ; à la fois la durée, c'est-à-dire la durée du projet, et la durabilité du processus lui-même. Dekton et Silestone en sont de parfaits exemples", explique Sophie. 

Elle utilise régulièrement les produits Cosentino dans les cuisines et les salles de bains. Lors du processus de sélection, la serviabilité de l'équipe Cosentino et la disponibilité de ses échantillons constituent également un atout majeur.

Un regard vers l'avenir

Pour ce qui est de l'avenir, le succès des commandes précédentes a mis Ash Studio sous les feux de la rampe, avec de nouveaux projets B2B en cours de développement. En termes d'esthétique, elle constate une évolution vers des matériaux plus froids, des couleurs métalliques, du plexiglas et des éléments naturels, bien qu'elle ne veuille certainement pas trop s'appuyer sur ces tendances elle-même, l'accent étant mis sur des designs intemporels qui correspondent au style de vie et aux goûts uniques de ses clients.

Avec une profonde compréhension de ses clients, des prouesses techniques et une forte orientation vers la durabilité, Ash Studio est un nom à suivre dans le monde de la décoration d'intérieur !

Photos Anneleen Jegers

Numéro d'image 41 de la section actuelle de Salboy Manchester de Cosentino France

Salboy Manchester

Case Study

A sleek design for a luxury housing developer

Studio Power

Numéro d'image 42 de la section actuelle de Salboy Manchester de Cosentino France


Salford, United Kingdom






150 m2


Studio Power


Interior cladding, stairs and furniture.

Date de fin



8 mm, 12 mm, 20 mm

A design that reflects quality and sustainability

Natural colours and a very contemporary design renew the aesthetics of the new showroom of Salboy, a property development company based in Salford, UK. In this way the project by Studio Power has achieved an image in keeping with the success of this company, which has delivered more than 2,400 homes across the UK and focuses on the development of high quality residential accommodation. Domis Construction helped bring the project to life from conception to construction, while Granite Tops UK was the manufacturer.

The multidisciplinary architecture studio chose Dekton by Cosentino surfaces for this project, not only because of their natural appearance, but also because of their durability and zero carbon footprint throughout their life cycle, thus contributing to an environment focused on sustainability.

Numéro d'image 46 de la section actuelle de Salboy Manchester de Cosentino France

Light and a sense of movement

Among the wide range of available designs, the team of architects chose Dekton Danae to bring the spaces to life. This colour, which is part of Dekton Natural Collection, plays with different shades of beige to create a sandy toned surface that reflects light and captures movement. It was supplied in different thicknesses for use as interior cladding, stairs and furniture. The 20 mm thickness was used for the stairs, while 12 mm surfaces were used for the reception counter and 8 mm for the cladding of walls, columns and planters. “Danae was the perfect shade for this project. We were impressed with the versatility of the different thicknesses. Danae can achieve really sharp details, such as in the planters and stairs, and its strength and durability are ideal for this application”, says Sam Power, Director of Studio Power.

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“Danae was the perfect shade for this project. We were impressed with the versatility of the different thicknesses. Danae can achieve really sharp details, such as in the planters and stairs, and its strength and durability are ideal for this application”.
Sam Power

Sam Power

Director of Studio Power

A durable material

It is precisely the technical advantages offered by Dekton that make it the perfect material for this type of application in spaces where high traffic is expected and where durability is required. Dekton is highly resistant to scratches, stains, fire and heat. It is therefore perfect for commercial and residential projects involving stair surfaces, cladding, flooring and furniture, which will stay as good as new for a long time.

Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet

Case studies connexes

Voulez-vous connaître les possibilités de Dekton pour réaliser des façades ?

Numéro d'image 66 de la section actuelle de Maison Ronald de Cosentino France

Maison Ronald

Case Study

Un espace accueillant à la fondation Ronald McDonald

Lejamtel, Saint-Lô

Numéro d'image 67 de la section actuelle de Maison Ronald de Cosentino France








25 m²


Lejamtel, Saint-Lô


Plan de travail de cuisine

Date de fin



12 mm

Une maison pour les familles d‘enfants hospitalisés

Afin d’aider et de prendre soin des familles d’enfants hospitalisés, la fondation Ronald McDonald, créée en 1994, offre aux parents des lieux de résidence accueillants et chaleureux à proximité des hôpitaux. Rien qu’en France, plus de 57 000 familles ont séjourné dans les dix foyers gérés par la fondation. Cosentino a donné des matériaux pour équiper la cuisine de l’une de ces maisons, située près de l’hôpital Robert-Debré, à Paris. Cosentino apporte ainsi sa petite contribution à la construction d’un espace accueillant, qui permet aux familles de rester près de leur enfant hospitalisé et de préserver un équilibre émotionnel essentiel à leur guérison.

La Nouvelle Maison de Paris a été construite il y a deux ans à proximité du deuxième plus grand hôpital pour enfants d’Europe et accueille des familles du monde entier. Les familles circulent librement dans le bâtiment et une chambre privative est mise gratuitement à leur disposition. La cuisine est un espace commun accessible 24 heures/24. C’est un lieu de détente et de socialisation où les familles peuvent se ressourcer hors de l’environnement hospitalier.

Agencement chaleureux et fonctionnel

Le marbrier Adequate a donné forme aux plans conçus par le magasin de cuisine Lejamtel à Saint-Lô, qui a choisi Dekton Sirius pour équiper la cuisine de cette maison. Vingt-cinq mètres carrés de Dekton Sirius ont servi à fabriquer les plans de travail. Cette teinte noire, avec son aspect texturé et ses tonalités vertes, donne de la profondeur à la pièce. Elle offre un contraste remarquable avec les tons clairs du mobilier, du revêtement de sol et des murs.

Numéro d'image 75 de la section actuelle de Maison Ronald de Cosentino France

Pour de nombreuses années à venir

Au-delà de son design moderne et raffiné, Dekton possède les caractéristiques techniques idéales pour une cuisine très fréquentée. Facile à nettoyer et résistant à la chaleur, aux taches et aux rayures, c’est la solution parfaite pour une cuisine partagée. En outre, son entretien aisé en fait un matériau à la durabilité exceptionnelle qui restera longtemps aussi beau qu’au premier jour.

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Notre petite contribution

Comme pour d’autres projets, la fondation Ronald McDonald et ses partenaires, ainsi que Cosentino à travers ses dons de matériaux, accompagnent et soutiennent toutes ces familles qui traversent des moments difficiles. Tous les fonds proviennent de dons. « Toutes ces gouttes d’eau forment des océans et permettent de financer, construire et gérer ces résidences », déclare Franck Pérez, directeur de la Maison Ronald McDonald à Paris. « Cette magnifique cuisine avec ses vastes espaces et ses grands plans de travail va accueillir des soirées mémorables, pour les enfants comme pour leurs parents », conclut-il.

Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet

Case studies connexes

Numéro d'image 96 de la section actuelle de Maison Ronald de Cosentino France

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Numéro d'image 97 de la section actuelle de Continental Towers de Cosentino France

Continental Towers

Case Study

An office tower with meeting areas

Whitney Architects

Numéro d'image 98 de la section actuelle de Continental Towers de Cosentino France


Rolling Meadows, Illinois, USA




Kelya, Soke


3,600 m2


Whitney Architects


Revêtement intérieur

Date de fin



8 mm

Elegant design for the lobby and the meeting room

More than an office complex, Continental Towers in Illinois is a space for collaboration and connection. This was the driving force behind the refurbishment process of its main lobby, which connects the three towers, and its service area, which was transformed into a meeting point. Whitney Architects, the firm in charge of the project, worked closely with the client to achieve a refreshed and contemporary look for these spaces.

For this purpose, a material was needed which, in addition to being aesthetically strong, could withstand the heavy daily traffic of people and metal trolleys on which the company’s material is delivered. The client had already thought of Dekton as the ideal material for this, especially because of its hardness and low porosity, and preferred the Soke and Kelya colours for the interior cladding of both rooms.

Entrance to the three towers

The main lobby connects the three office towers and welcomes hundreds of people every day. In this area, Soke was chosen as the cladding solution for the entrance to each tower. The grey colour inspired by classic cement adds a touch of elegance and modern style, perfect for this ambience. Furthermore, the architect wanted to integrate modern and stylish signs for each entrance. Cosentino therefore proposed cutting the number of each tower directly into the Dekton slabs with a water jet. In addition, custom lightning was integrated behind the cut-out letters, so that the solution becomes an illuminated sign, achieving a very personal look and realising the architect’s idea.

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Leisure and work area

The other refurbished space is the CT Social Club, a space in the office complex designed for meeting, relaxation and informal gatherings of the towers’ employees and offering spectacular views. In this area, the employees can have lunch, meet, work or simply relax. One of the walls was clad in Dekton Keyla, with a built-in fireplace and a television, adding design and an elegant atmosphere. This colour, inspired by dark marble with light veining, is the key feature and dialogues with the geometric patterned flooring and the touch of colour in the furniture. The result is a stunning, versatile space designed to be enjoyed for years to come.

Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet

Case studies connexes

Numéro d'image 120 de la section actuelle de Continental Towers de Cosentino France

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Numéro d'image 121 de la section actuelle de Research Triangle Park de Cosentino France

Research Triangle Park

Case Study

An innovative space on a corporate campus

Elisa Christopher, Phillips Architecture

Numéro d'image 122 de la section actuelle de Research Triangle Park de Cosentino France


North Carolina, USA






279 m2


Elisa Christopher, Phillips Architecture


Interior cladding, Lift surrounds, Staircase

Date de fin



8 mm, 12 mm

Common spaces full of design in North Carolina

Among the 250 companies housed on the 2,800-hectare Research Triangle Park corporate campus in North Carolina, a recent project stands out for its innovative use of design to create a space for collaboration, creativity and interaction. Elisa Christopher, from Phillips Architecture design studio, was commissioned for this project in which the company wanted to give a new look to a lobby and staircase area using Dekton by Cosentino.

The client wanted a material that would surprise potential and existing employees and create a striking appearance at first glance. The designer had already worked with Cosentino in the past and thought that it would be the ideal material to add character and elegance to the space. At Cosentino’s industrial park in Almería, Christopher was able to see the product first hand and discover the endless design possibilities that Dekton has to offer. Taking advantage of its technical and aesthetic properties on such a large campus was a challenge for her and she jumped at the chance.

Balanced contemporary aesthetics

The colour selected for this project was Soke, inspired by classic cement floors with realistic veining on a nuanced grey background. The advantage of this material is mainly that, in addition to providing a contemporary aesthetics with a concrete look and feel, it is virtually maintenance free and offers great versatility for different applications. In the case of this project, it was used for interior cladding, the lift surrounds and the main staircase. In the last two applications, it featured a modern lighting design around it.

The final look creates a lot of visual harmony and brings consistency to the design concept. Soke’s simple colour is perfect when combined with other features such as, in this case, the geometric patterned rug and the wood and metal details.

Numéro d'image 125 de la section actuelle de Research Triangle Park de Cosentino France

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Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet

Case studies connexes

Numéro d'image 141 de la section actuelle de Research Triangle Park de Cosentino France

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Numéro d'image 142 de la section actuelle de Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion de Cosentino France

Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion

Case Study

An attractive façade for a hospital pavilion in Vancouver

DYS architecture

Numéro d'image 143 de la section actuelle de Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion de Cosentino France


Vancouver, Canada






92 m2


DYS architecture


Façades ventilée

Date de fin



12 mm

The beauty of marble to clad the façade of a hospital

DYS architecture chose Dekton for the stylish façade cladding of the Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion at Vancouver General Hospital. The renovation of the building is a tribute to Leon Judah Blackmore, a Polish immigrant who made Canada his home and flourished as a businessman and real estate developer. In memory of his passion and contribution to the community, his philanthropic foundation donated $18.4 million to the hospital after his death.

Two years after that, the hospital’s Centenary Pavilion has been renovated and now bears his name as a tribute. The Vancouver-based Cosentino team collaborated on the project by supplying the Dekton Aura15 cladding material used on the façade that frames the entrance to the building.

The perfect match

Inspired by natural marbles such as Carrara and Calacatta, Aura15 was chosen for its elegance and technical features. Its white background crossed by grey veins blends perfectly with the grey edges of the façade and the silver signs with the name of the pavilion. The result is an elegant style that brings calm and balance to the hospital atmosphere, where Aura15 adds the sophistication of stone.

Pour de nombreuses années à venir

Thanks to its technical features, Dekton provides a highly durable material which requires no maintenance and is unaffected by wear and tear, UV rays, extreme temperatures and stains such as graffiti, making it ideal for the emergency entrance of this hospital, which is exposed daily to heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Therefore, although the initial specifications for the project called for marble, the ultra-compact Dekton surface was chosen for its high durability and ease of maintenance. Sustainability was also a plus when choosing it, as Dekton improves the energy efficiency of the building. Thus, Aura15 will be the face of the Leon Judah Pavilion for many years to come.

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Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet

Case studies connexes

Numéro d'image 162 de la section actuelle de Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion de Cosentino France

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Numéro d'image 163 de la section actuelle de The Mahogany at Mill Lake de Cosentino France

The Mahogany at Mill Lake

Case Study

The finishing touch to a gem of a building

Site Lines Architecture

Numéro d'image 164 de la section actuelle de The Mahogany at Mill Lake de Cosentino France


British Columbia, Canada




Aura 15 Bookmatch


114 m2


Site Lines Architecture


Façades ventilée

Date de fin



1.2 cm

A symbol of luxury and sustainability

In a growing Vancouver neighbourhood you can find The Mahogany, a mixed-use skyscraper whose façade showcases its luxurious and sophisticated interiors. ‘I was looking for a smooth, marble-like finish at the main entrance with the panels leading to the lobby’, explains Diane Delves, President and CEO at Quantum Properties, the developer of the impressive skyscraper. The building is located in the vibrant neighbourhood of Abbotsford, British Columbia (Canada), overlooking Mill Lake. The façade of this unique building, designed by Site Lines Architecture, was clad with Dekton Aura 15 panels, which, according to Delves, ‘added the perfect finishing touch to our beautiful mixed-use skyscraper’.

The Mahogany is equipped with luxurious facilities such as an indoor swimming pool and jacuzzi, an outdoor atrium and a gym, among others. It also boasts environmentally friendly systems, like geothermal heating and cooling and energy-efficient glazing. A symbol of luxury and sustainability with the finishing touch of the Dekton Aura 15 marble-look finish. ‘Dekton’s interior and exterior panel options and concealed mounting system made it the perfect solution’, Delves concludes.

Numéro d'image 165 de la section actuelle de The Mahogany at Mill Lake de Cosentino France

Perfection inside and out

The Site Lines Architecture studio was interested in using Dekton for façades because of the endless design possibilities, as well as the durability and strength of the materials. Cosentino built a good relationship with the architects and Quantum Properties and invited them to visit the headquarters and factory in Almería, Spain, where they immediately fell in love with Dekton’s designs and applications. Aura 15 helped to create a combination of envelope panels that connects the exterior and interior of the building. This colour – inspired by Carrara and Calacatta marbles – is reminiscent of the look and feel of natural stone and offers many benefits: it requires little maintenance, is much more durable and is available in large formats. Dekton is a surface resistant to graffiti, UV rays and extreme temperature, which convinced them as the perfect choice for this Vancouver building. Thus, the Aura 15 panels were fitted both in a façade area, for a visual emphasis, and in the main lobby area of the luxury property, creating a sophisticated, exclusive and harmonious space.

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Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet


Aura 15 Bookmatch


Case studies connexes

Numéro d'image 187 de la section actuelle de The Mahogany at Mill Lake de Cosentino France

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Numéro d'image 188 de la section actuelle de SFU Stadium de Cosentino France

SFU Stadium

Case Study

A top level university stadium

Perkins + Will Architects

Numéro d'image 189 de la section actuelle de SFU Stadium de Cosentino France


Richmond, BC, Canada




Domoos | Spectra


215 m2


Perkins + Will Architects



Date de fin



1.2 cm

The perfect material for 1,800 people

The new stadium, financed by the Canadian Simon Fraser University and its students, is designed to offer a completely new university experience. The stadium is home to the sports teams of this Richmond-based university and its refurbishment was intended to extend its capacity and improve the overall quality of the facilities. Athletes, students and the entire educational community can now enjoy new spaces thanks to a design that includes a new structure with a capacity for 1,800 people and a large roof with a contemporary design. In its construction, Perkins + Will Architects used two Dekton colours, Domoos and Spectra. Dekton was also used for the columns throughout the stadium, providing elegance and, at the same time, a number of technical advantages. The stadium is designed to be visited by thousands of people a year and to withstand the extreme weather conditions of the area, from the hottest summers to the coldest and wettest winters. For this reason, the Dekton surface was the perfect solution for this sports facility.

Numéro d'image 194 de la section actuelle de SFU Stadium de Cosentino France

A new era for the campus

The new SFU Stadium is shaping up to be a key venue for campus life at the SFU, the only Canadian university competing in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Hence the importance of transforming this space into a first class venue to support the university athletes and teams that will train and compete there. The impact of this project, to which students contributed more than €8.5 million, results in a top quality sports facility. Facilities include a lobby, accessible toilets, media and broadcasting facilities, integrated sound system, VIP suite and coaches’ booths.

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Matériaux Cosentino utilisés dans ce projet

Case studies connexes

Voulez-vous connaître les possibilités de Dekton pour réaliser des façades ?

Numéro d'image 210 de la section actuelle de Kiryat Gat Water Fountain de Cosentino France

Kiryat Gat Water Fountain

Cosentino Flagship Project

Architecture and art come together at the Water Fountain in Kiryat Gat

Numéro d'image 211 de la section actuelle de Kiryat Gat Water Fountain de Cosentino France


Kiryat Gat, Israel






175 m2

Architect / Designer

Elya Shapiro


Façades ventilée


1,2 cm



Why use Dekton for fountains?

The Kiryat Gat water fountain in Israel is located in a very special place, where the old and new city meet. Furthermore, this new fountain at the junction of several roads also serves as a gateway to the city.

When artist and designer Elya Shapiro was commissioned to design and build this fountain, his first thought was to choose a beautiful and stunning material which would also age well over time. The choice of Dekton Ventus met most of the requirements of the project: it is resistant to chlorine and salt water, can be cut precisely to suit different thicknesses and is suitable for use with a KEIL anchoring system on the façade.

Shapiro also took aesthetic considerations into account in his choice, such as the wide range of Dekton colours and the possibility of custom cutting, depending on the needs of the project (with or without edges, for example).

From a professional point of view, Shapiro considered the advantages of working with Cosentino: long-term warranty, responsiveness and problem-solving, on-time delivery and supply of additional, perfectly packaged material, in case of breakage.

Numéro d'image 212 de la section actuelle de Kiryat Gat Water Fountain de Cosentino France

The cycle of life as inspiration

Shapiro designed a huge, constantly moving spiral that would create different perspectives depending on the direction of the traffic. The spiral symbolises the cycle of life that leads to infinity. To create this movement, the fountain uses 180 small sprinklers mounted on its inner face, which spray water at the centre, in the middle of the arch. The point where all the water comes together generates a water explosion and a waterfall that symbolises the connection between traffic and urban roads in the public space.

The human challenge of this project lies in combining different disciplines harmoniously, from large-scale construction work to the development of small processor chips. The execution of the project required very careful planning and coordination.

From a technical point of view, the challenge was to design an arch which would simultaneously twist and converge. The dimensions vary along the entire length of the structure, thus requiring different fittings at each point of the arch. Furthermore, in order to simplify and customise the different production processes, cutting-edge technologies were used to provide first-class performance.

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“I chose Dekton Ventus not only for its beauty, but also because it met the structural strength requirements of the project”
Elya Shapiro

Elya Shapiro

Artist and designer

Projets phares connexes

Numéro d'image 231 de la section actuelle de Kiryat Gat Water Fountain de Cosentino France

Voulez-vous connaître les possibilités de Dekton pour réaliser des façades ?