Image of H Casa Forest 5.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in {{Cooking with Silestone in the crystalline “Casa Forest”}} - Cosentino

{{Cooking with Silestone in the crystalline “Casa Forest”}}

Cosentino Case Study

Cooking with Silestone in the crystalline “Casa Forest”

Daluz Gonzalez Architekten

Image of Spa One Restaurant.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Cooking with Silestone in the crystalline “Casa Forest” - Cosentino


Basel (Switzerland)




Kitchen countertop, wall cladding


Daluz Gonzalez Architekten


Blanco Zeus

A home to dialogue with the natural surroundings

Hidden away on a wooded slope near Basel, a crystal-shaped building can be seen. Rising up from a small clearing, it is just high enough to remain at eye level with the surrounding trees. The “Casa Forest” home belongs to a family of five who love the “art of the clear line” as much as they love nature. This is also reflected in the view from the kitchen-living room into the garden.

The house is scarcely visible from the neighbourhood road. You can only see the multifaceted building, set back among the trees, as you approach across the light-coloured natural stone slabs made from local gneiss. “The earth-coloured outer skin and the angular form of the building are in a constant dialogue with the natural surroundings,” says Juan Gonzalez from the architectural firm DALUZ GONZALEZ ARCHITEKTEN. “In dialogue with the builders we have attempted to create a contrast as well as a harmony with nature – externally as well as internally.”

The heptagonal building and the nest-like roof terrace are clad in massive fine stoneware slabs in irridescent dark brown – polished above and below like gemstones. The front of the building is interrupted by large, sometimes room-height window facades. The south side is almost completely glazed, allowing the daylight to penetrate deep inside the building. In the open eating and living area, the walls are executed in cool exposed concrete. As a counterpoint to this, the window mouldings and the shelves are made from honey-coloured oak, and this is then is also carried through in the treads of the stairs and floors of the bedrooms, conveying a natural warmth.

Silestone Blanco Zeus, harmony in the heart of nature

On the ground floor, the generous eating and cooking zone opens up to the garden. The transition is almost invisible, thanks to the floor-height glazing. This gives you an uninterrupted view into the greenery while cooking or when the family come together to eat at the simple oak table. “The intention is not to separate the kitchen off or place it in the middle of the space, but create a link to the living area,” says Juan Gonzales. “This way we have combined a kitchen area with plenty of storage space and a kitchen island that reflects the multifaceted shape of the building and creates a light, airy transition to the eating area.”

“The specially shaped kitchen island can be used from both sides,” explains Ian Hunziker from the carpentry firm SCHREINEREI HUNZIKER. "In essence, the furnishings are based on standard elements that we have individually adapted. As a result, the interior of the floating wing contains a robust, extremely durable beam construction to which the 60 cm wide cupboard elements are attached. The fronts are made from strong, 19 mm MDF panels with slightly rounded edges painted in RAL 9016 matt white. The work surfaces and rear wall of the kitchen area are made from Silestone in the Blanco Zeus Extreme shade."

Cosentino supplies Silestone in over 80 designs. “But only Blanco Zeus Extreme from the Mythology Collection had the desired white shade that creates a timeless and energetically warm effect. The builder was delighted,” recalls Ian Hunziker, who had the low-silica mineral surface precisely cut to size and supplied by SCHÜRMANN NATURSTEINE. “Silestone is very hard-wearing and offers a high level of stain and fade resistance. It is also easy to clean, which makes it ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and furniture. It also has a uniquely beautiful and glossy surface, which in the “Casa Forest” now reflects the hazy outlines of the trees.”

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Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project


Blanco Zeus


Gerelateerde case studies


Image of Dekton by Cosentino Portfolio in Kovik flooring Resized Image 1 7.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Cooking with Silestone in the crystalline “Casa Forest” - Cosentino

Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?

Image of IMG 3175 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in VIVA Architecture - Cosentino

VIVA Architecture

Cosentino CTop Designers

VIVA Architecture

Image of IMG 3175 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in VIVA Architecture - Cosentino
Innovatief en Inspirerend: Het Verhaal van Sylvie Bruynickx en VIVA Architecture

Door de jaren heen heeft Sylvie Bruynickx haar stempel gedrukt op de wereld van de architectuur en interieurontwerp. Als oprichtster van VIVA Architecture heeft ze vooraf een indrukwekkend portfolio opgebouwd, waarin de nadruk ligt op duurzaam bouwen aan de hand van houtbouw en herbestemmingen van erfgoed.

Sylvie's reis begon in 1997 toen ze afstudeerde als architect aan Sint-Lucas Brussel, onder de vleugels van mentor Vincent Van Duysen. Haar professionele pad bracht haar langs gerenommeerde bureaus zoals Mecanoo Architecten in Nederland en Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects in Londen, voordat ze in 2003 terugkeerde naar België om zich aan te sluiten bij Conix Architects. In 2012 was het tijd voor een nieuwe stap en zo werd VIVA Architecture geboren.

Sylvie is daarnaast  is een veelgevraagd spreekster, jurylid voor architectuurwedstrijden en publieksprijzen, gevraagde expert op verschillende architectuurscholen, geeft lezingen over haar passie voor het vak of publiceert haar ideeën over lifestyle en hedendaagse architectuur.

VIVA Architecture is meer dan alleen een architectenbureau; het is een gemeenschap van 11 ervaren professionals: architecten, interieurarchitecten en vormgevers, meubelmakers en ontwerpers, specialisten in toegepaste bouwkunde en monumentenzorg en een kunstenaar die samenwerken aan uiteenlopende projecten.

"Bij VIVA Architecture hanteren wij een ontwerpfilosofie waarbij de ontwikkeling van een eigen methodiek belangrijker is dan een herkenbare stijl," deelt Sylvie. "Het zoeken naar oplossingen voor complexe ontwerpproblemen heeft voorrang boven het deel uitmaken van een ontwerpschool of -stroming."

Voor Sylvie en haar team draait ontwerpen niet om het volgen van een specifieke stijl, maar om het ontwikkelen van een eigen methodiek.

Op het eerste gezicht een simpele missie, maar eenvoud is een deugd en impliceert een subtiele gelaagdheid. De architectuur van VIVA is subtractief door al het overbodige weg te laten, bescheiden maar vastberaden in elk detail, nederig maar zich bewust van haar intrinsieke esthetische kracht.

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"De huidige aandacht voor natuurlijke en circulaire materialen ligt mij nauw aan het hart. Wij voeren met VIVA voortdurend onderzoek uit naar circulair bouwen."

"Inspiratie vind ik overal," zegt Sylvie. "Het dagelijkse leven, de kleine dingen in het leven, lekker eten, de diversiteit aan mensen. Maar evenzeer kunst, mode, muziek en diverse culturen en plekken. Heel boeiend om al deze impressies samen te brengen en te verwerken tot nieuwe verhalen in projecten. 

"Het opdoen van verschillende ervaringen, zorgt voor vele nieuwe indrukken die inspirerend werken. Ik vind het heel fijn om ineens op te merken dat een bepaalde kleur, materiaal of toepassing meer bij blijft dan zeg, 10 jaar geleden. Zo zorgen bepaalde ervaringen voor een andere bewustwording doorheen de tijd. Ik hou van veel kleuren, een kleur voor een interieur is voor mij iets anders dan een kleur voor kleding. Een echte favoriete kleur heb ik niet, al merk ik op dat we momenteel veel blauw en groen schakeringen toepassen in onze projecten. Uiteindelijk evolueert alles voortdurend, vaak word je onbewust beïnvloed door impressies, met als gevolg dat er weer een andere kleur of materiaal op de voorgrond komt", vertelt Sylvie.

De organische modernistische stijl van John Lautner is een grote inspiratiebron voor haar. Zijn stijl wordt gekenmerkt door het gebruik van gewaagde geometrieën, open plattegronden, en het creëren van naadloze overgangen tussen binnen- en buitenruimtes. Lautner stond open voor moderne materialen en technologieën, wat resulteerde in het gebruik van beton, glas en staal in zijn ontwerpen.

“De huidige aandacht voor natuurlijke en circulaire materialen ligt mij nauw aan het hart. We voeren met VIVA hier voortdurend onderzoek naar. Zeker onze kennis van CLT en prefab bouwen zorgt hier voor een grote meerwaarde”.

Iets kouds en zielloos ontwerpen zou ik niet kunnen. Er moet emotie, patina en een duidelijke sfeer aanwezig zijn

Het gebruik van hoogwaardige materialen speelt een cruciale rol in de projecten van Sylvie. In haar eigen woning heeft ze Silestone toegepast in de keuken als werkblad en spatwand. Daarnaast werd Dekton project ‘The Duke’ in Brussel en ‘In Between’ op de Leien in Antwerpen toegepast. 

“Het keukenblad hebben we echt gekozen in functie van de functionaliteit en kwaliteit samen met de look en feel van het materiaal. Ook de afmetingen van de platen, hoe groter hoe beter, waren belangrijk, zodat we geen naden dienden te voorzien en dus zwakke punten konden vermijden. We gebruiken de keuken nu dagelijks over een periode van 15 jaar en we zijn nog steeds overtuigd dat we met deze Silestone de juiste keuze hebben gemaakt”. 

In de architectuurprojecten kozen ze voor Dekton opnieuw omwille van de look en feel, het duurzame materiaal, aangevuld met de mogelijkheden in detaillering, maar ook voor de bewerkbaarheid. “We vonden het heel fijn om de mogelijkheden van de toepassing en detaillering te onderzoeken en zo te komen tot een uitzonderlijk staaltje architectuur”.  

Duurzaamheid is een vanzelfsprekend aspect van Sylvie's ontwerpen. "Onze transformaties vertrekken van bestaande gebouwen, die een tweede leven krijgen, waardoor hun levensduur verlengd wordt," benadrukt ze. Bij nieuwbouw of uitbreidingen past VIVA steeds houtbouw toe, die volledig gedemonteerd en hergebruikt kan worden. Haar materialenkeuze is gebaseerd op de locatie van productie, waarbij de voorkeur uitgaat naar lokale materialen uit België en Europa.

Volgens Sylvie gaat de wereld van interieurontwerp richting het omarmen van patina en natuurlijke, duurzame materialen. "We geloven erg in patina en deze mag meer aanwezig zijn in een interieur. Hierdoor gaan we hopelijk versneld aan de slag met natuurlijke duurzame materialen en circulair materiaalgebruik. Materialen krijgen een tweede leven, net door hun patina en geven bijgevolg meer emotie aan een nieuw project," benadrukt ze.

Voor Sylvie blijven de sfeer en warmte die interieurs uitstralen essentieel. "Iets kouds en zielloos ontwerpen zou ik niet kunnen. Er moet emotie, patina en een duidelijke sfeer aanwezig zijn," voegt ze toe. Naast het gebruik van patina en gerecyclede materialen voorspelt ze een tegenreactie naar meer strakke, gladde en industriële materialen. “Dit komt mede door de evolutie van prefabricage, wat zal leiden tot meer demonteerbaar meubilair in interieurs. Dit is ook een positieve ontwikkeling richting circulariteit”. 

Als het gaat om materialen die de trend zullen zetten, gelooft Sylvie dat natuurlijke, lokale materialen in trek zullen zijn, hopelijk in verschillende kleuren. "Ik droom nog steeds van een mooi, duurzaam steenmateriaal met schelpen erin verwerkt. Iedereen wordt daar toch blij van, altijd de zee in de buurt," sluit ze enthousiast af.

VIVA Architecture

VIVA Architecture


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Cosentino CTop Designers


Image of DSC 3594 2 kopie 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Mliving - Cosentino
Het harmonieuze samenspel van Mliving

In de dynamische wereld van bouw en design schittert het koppel François en Tine als een sterk team, verenigd door passie voor totaalprojecten en interieurontwerp.

François, de drijvende kracht achter Mliving, brengt zijn onmisbare expertise in projectmanagement en technische knowhow. Tine, aan de andere kant, is de creatieve duizendpoot die ruimtes transformeert tot betoverende leefomgevingen.

"Onze samenwerking heeft geleid tot talloze succesverhalen en tevreden klanten," deelt Tine met trots. Het geheim van hun succes ligt in de unieke combinatie van een interieurarchitect en totaalaannemer, wat hen de flexibiliteit geeft om uiteenlopende projecten aan te pakken, van ruwbouw tot verfijnde interieurafwerking.

"Als interieurarchitect streef ik altijd naar een doordacht plan, dat de geest van de woning weerspiegelt," onthult Tine.

Bij bestaande woningen baseert ze haar concept op authentieke elementen, met een verfijnde moderne touch. Haar interieurplannen zijn doordacht, gericht op optimale circulatie en ruimtegebruik, wat resulteert in functionele woningen met een tijdloos design.

ij nieuwbouwprojecten richt Tine zich vooral op de karakteristieke eigenschappen van de woning, indien deze ontworpen is door een externe architect.

"Soms ga ik nog in overleg met de architect om bepaalde basisindelingen aan te passen. Vaak gaat het dan over kleine zaken die uiteindelijk een wereld van verschil kunnen maken op vlak van optimaal gebruik van de woning," voegt Tine toe.

Image of Pilar Shoots Torhout HR 35.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Mliving - Cosentino

"Als interieurarchitect streef ik altijd naar een doordacht plan dat de geest van de woning weerspiegelt"

Mliving is the way to go voor wie streeft naar tijdloze elegantie en functioneel design in hun leefruimte.

Mliving vormt als koppel de gouden combinatie tussen een interieurarchitect en totaalaannemer, wat zeker hun sterkte is.

Een opvallend project dat de veelzijdigheid van Mliving onderstreept, vond plaats in Torhout. Aanvankelijk benaderd voor de keuken, breidde Tine's rol uit tot een volledige interieurafwerking, inclusief begeleiding bij elektriciteit, vloeren, schilderwerk en maatwerkmeubilair.

“Het ontwerp vroeg om een moderne en tijdloze stijl, en Dekton in de kleur Argentium was de perfecte keuze. Het materiaal werd gebruikt voor de leefruimtes, keukenwerkbladen, badkamervloeren, douchewanden en op maat gemaakte stukken zoals de omranding van het bad en de spatwand achter de wastafel. Met zijn duurzaamheid en lage onderhoudseisen was het materiaal ideaal voor een huurwoning” aldus Tine. 

Dit project is niet alleen een showcase van de vaardigheden van Mliving, maar ook een inspiratiebron voor wie streeft naar tijdloze elegantie en functioneel design in hun leefruimte.

All images © Pilarshoots




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{{A historic 1930s villa brought back to life}}

Case Study

A historic 1930s villa brought back to life

Tasarimca Design Office

Image of no image in A historic 1930s villa brought back to life - Cosentino


Westport, Connecticut, USA




Blanco Zeus, Polished finish


30 m2


Tasarimca Design Office


Bathroom and kitchen worktops.




30 mm

The refurbishment that made this historic house in Connecticut contemporary

Built in 1931 by Dr. Richard Spector, this 600 square metre villa was brought back to life after renovation by Burçin Dinler, from Tasarimca Design Office. On a 1.2 hectare site in Connecticut, United States, this renovated mansion has been converted into a welcoming, contemporary and harmonious space.

The refurbishment process of Westport Villa took about a year. The interior design concept of this project has focused on enhancing the brightness of the spaces with a contemporary style based on the use of quality materials. These include Cosentino cladding, which was used for the bathroom and kitchen worktops.

Image of no image in A historic 1930s villa brought back to life - Cosentino
Built in 1931 by Dr. Richard Spector, this 600 square metre villa was brought back to life after renovation by Burçin Dinler, from Tasarimca Design Office. On a 1.2 hectare site in Connecticut, United States, this renovated mansion has been converted into a welcoming, contemporary and harmonious space.

A balanced colour range

All floors in the house are laid with white oak, except for the wet areas, the patios and the multimedia areas in the common area. This, together with the use of white predominantly on the walls and ceilings, makes the rooms look more spacious and enhances the large amount of natural light that the interiors receive through the large windows. In keeping with this range of neutral and light tones, the design team decided to use Silestone for the worktops. In particular, they opted for the Blanco Zeus colour in a polished finish. Its bright but restrained white colour blends perfectly with the modern lines of the interior design of the entire house. This material has been combined with dark furniture on the kitchen island and in one of the bathrooms, creating a very contemporary contrast.

Durable and sustainable

Among the reasons for the decision to use Silestone in this project, the architect highlights ‘its visual aesthetic integrity along with durability and hygiene factors’. The material is ideal for worktops as it is easy to clean and resistant to stains and dirt. ‘As part of this project, which has a modern and contemporary concept, the added value of Cosentino products was of paramount importance,’ he continues. Furthermore, the surfaces are in line with another key feature of the refurbishment project: sustainability. The whole project was intended to maintain a sustainable and integrated concept in the landscape. This also applies to the guesthouse, which was restored to blend in with the main house.

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‘We chose Silestone for its visual aesthetic integrity along with durability and hygiene factors’.

Burçin Dinler

Tasarimca Design Office

Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project

Image of no image in A historic 1930s villa brought back to life - Cosentino

Blanco Zeus


Gerelateerde case studies

Image of no image in A historic 1930s villa brought back to life - Cosentino

Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?

Image of MG 2342 scaled 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in Aguas férreas - Cosentino

Aguas férreas

Case Study

A distinctive façade for a residential building in Lugo

Dmanan Viviendas SAU

Image of MG 2342 scaled 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Aguas férreas - Cosentino


Lugo, Spain


Silestone I Dekton




Architects: Patricia Montes, Antonio Rodríguez García, Carmen Boedo Blanco (Aringal SL). Engineer: Juan Leira González (Aringal SL). Project team: Juan Leira González (BREEAM Consultant, Engineering), Antonio Cunha Mera (CEO of Aringal SL), Salomé Losada Pérez (Technical architect), Gabriel Fuentes Ricoy (BREEAM Consultant). Collaborators: María Jesús Cigüenza (Drafting), Zatón Diseñadores (infographics and virtual reality). Construction company: A Valiño Narón SL. Façade: Marmolería José Rey.


Ventilated façade, Worktops


Silestone White Storm, Miami Vena, Eternal Marquina, Noka, Royal Reef, Marengo | DEKTON Edora, Entzo, Kairos, Laos


2,949 m2


DEKTON Edora 8 mm

Design with character

This eight storey building, whose façade stands out in the landscape, is situated in the residential neighbourhood Aguas Férreas, in Lugo (Spain). For its design, “one of the basic premises of the developer, Dmanán Viviendas, was to design and execute an environmentally friendly building with an appearance that would stand out from its surroundings”, explains architect Patricia Montes from Aringal SL, the architecture and engineering firm in charge of the project. Therefore, from the very beginning of the project, Aringal’s work focused on combining the client’s objectives with the philosophy of its own company, which is very committed to incorporating sustainability into its projects.

The majestic appearance of the façades and their clean design gives this building a unique character. “The straight forms, terraces, window openings and materials used are its unique features”, says architect Patricia Montes. Two materials were combined in the façades of this building, creating a play of textures: Dekton Edora, a light grey shade with a minimalist look, and Corten steel.

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The perfect match

“Dekton and Corten steel, a material whose colour changes continuously throughout the oxidation process due to the effect of light and atmospheric conditions, are combined in the façades, giving the building the distinctive final appearance sought by the planners“, says Montes. Both materials form a perfect combination in compliance with the Guía de Colores y Materiales de Galicia (Guide of colours and materials of Galicia). “In this way, they contribute to the proper integration of the building into the landscape and to a better quality of public space”. Dekton’s properties are also perfect to go hand in hand with Corten steel, a material that forms a surface oxide layer that could stain the materials used on the façade. “Something that does not happen with Dekton thanks to its zero porosity, a result of a sintering and ultra-compaction process exclusive to Cosentino”, says Montes.

Stylish shapes

According to the studio, orientation, views and location were decisive in the design of this unique building which houses a total of 32 flats. “The sunlight and the wide, clear views to the south-east determined the location of the building’s rooms, with the main rooms facing southeast and the sleeping areas facing north-west, opening onto the common space that gives access to the dwellings”. The south-east façade, with large terraces framed by Corten steel volumes running along the façade as an extension of the main rooms of the flats, opens up to the clear views of the valley. Meanwhile, the window openings on the north-west façade, also framed in Corten steel, are designed to optimise the capture of natural light.

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“Dekton and Corten steel, a material whose colour changes continuously throughout the oxidation process, are combined in the façades, giving the building a distinctive final appearance”.
Image of MG 4184 1 scaled.jpg 1.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Aguas férreas - Cosentino

Aringal SL

A commitment to sustainability

The projects of this architecture firm are characterised by pursuing maximum sustainability and opting for Breeam certification with the aim of reducing the environmental impact on the surroundings. To this end, they apply passive design strategies, minimising the use of resources such as energy or water, and opting for the use of materials with a low environmental impact. “In this sense, the use of Dekton ensures thermal comfort thanks to its technical properties. It is also a material with a low level of VOCs and has an environmental product declaration (EPD)”, concludes Montes.

Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project


White Storm


Miami Vena


Eternal Marquina


Royal Reef






Gerelateerde case studies

Image of FOTO@1x.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Aguas férreas - Cosentino

Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?

Image of 8X 10 Final scaled 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in 8X on the Park - Cosentino

8X on the Park

Case Study

Residential luxury in dialogue with the urban fabric

Andrew Emmerson and Joey Stevens, GBL Architects

Image of 8X 10 Final scaled 2.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in 8X on the Park - Cosentino


Vancouver, Canada






557 m2


Andrew Emmerson and Joey Stevens, GBL Architects


Ventilated façade fixed with Keil anchors




12 mm

A bright, contemporary façade

In dialogue with the surrounding traditional architecture, rich in masonry façades, the luxury residential building ‘8X On The Park’ literally shines with its glass façade and the off-white colour of Dekton Halo. Located in the northeast of Emery Barnes Park in Vancouver, it is a symbol of the city’s luxurious and exclusive lifestyle. Not only for its design, by GBL Architects, but also for its interior design and complete facilities.

According to Joey Stevens, from GBL Architects, ‘Dekton was chosen primarily to establish a contextual dialogue with the adjoining building, using the heritage masonry, but giving it a more contemporary expression. Durability was also an important factor for the developer’. Thus, the grey shades on off-white Dekton Halo provide a soft and shiny tone like the reflection of a crystal. It is the perfect counterpart to the protruding windows, glass balconies and ‘X’ shapes that give the building its name.

Image of 8X 05 Final 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in 8X on the Park - Cosentino

Lasting and timeless beauty

The visual appeal of the material is not the only reason why GBL Architects and Brenhill Developments, the project developer, opted for Dekton. Its technical features also helped to make the right choice. This is shown by the format, weight and thickness of large Dekton panels, which make it the perfect material for ventilated façades. Furthermore, its high reflection coefficient, non-combustible properties and resistance to UV rays as well as freezing and thawing are exactly what this elegant façade needed. All this makes it an ideal material to withstand harsh weather conditions in both winter and summer without losing its properties or colour. As a result, the façade has a shiny surface on which the sun’s own reflection enhances its unforgettable beauty.

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Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project

Gerelateerde case studies

Image of FOTO@1x.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in 8X on the Park - Cosentino

Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?

Image of Cosentino Case Study Noli Studios Sornainen Helsinki 11 DSC0106.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in Noli Studios - Cosentino

Noli Studios

Case Study

Luxury co-living in vibrant Helsinki

By dSign

Image of Cosentino Case Study Noli Studios Sornainen Helsinki 11 DSC0106.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Noli Studios - Cosentino


Kanavakatu 1, Helsinki, Finland




Blanco Orion | Merope


263 kitchens worktops for studios, plus communal kitchen worktops


dSign Vertti Kivi & Co


Studio kitchen worktops | Communal kitchen worktops



The first co-living project in Helsinki

Noli Studios is the first co-living project developed by NREP (Nordic Real Estate Partners) in the historic neighbourhood of Katajanokka, in Helsinki. For this first project, NREP wanted the best partners and therefore entrusted the renovation and interior design to dSign Vertti Kivi & Co, a company with extensive experience in office, restaurant and hotel projects.

The project involved a change of use of a 1940’s office building. Work began at the end of 2016 and was completed three years later, in October 2019. A total of 263 studios of between 18 and 24 m2 were built, with a total built-up area of 12,000m2. In short, a project of significant scale that needed to “do well” in order to be replicated in other Helsinki neighbourhoods. Indeed, NREP opened a second co-living in November 2020 and expects to expand to a further ten new hotels in the next five years.

The renovation process was not without its challenges. For the renovation of the façade, the dSign team was forced to completely remove the old brick façade, even out the different floor heights and level the original concrete pillars. For three years, architects, contractors, site managers and even the Finnish Heritage Agency made a huge effort to meet the deadlines.

Image of Cosentino casestudy Noli Studios Katjanokka Helsinki 7 DSC9943 Custom.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Noli Studios - Cosentino

Silestone & Noli Studios: a successful partnership

Of all the suppliers involved in the project, Cosentino played a key role in supplying the kitchen worktops for the 263 studios and common areas. Given its high brand recognition in the Nordic countries and its extraordinary performance in semi-public spaces, Silestone emerged as the best choice.

Silestone Blanco Orion, an off-white surface with small, grey veins that create a feeling of cleanliness and spaciousness, was the chosen finish for the studio kitchens.

On the other hand, Silestone Merope was the choice for the communal kitchens. With this black finish, the aim was to create the opposite effect: a more welcoming and cosy atmosphere in the large and impersonal communal kitchens.

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“Guests at Noli Studios have access to communal kitchens fitted with Silestone Merope worktops, which provide a welcoming yet luxurious look”
dSign team

dSign team

A new concept backed by Cosentino materials

Noli Studios is a new accommodation concept (co-living) that responds to the new ways of working: employees for 2-3 month projects, expats, managers travelling to the head quarters, etc. It offers the comfort of a home and the services of a hotel at a reasonable price: cleaning, laundry, restaurant, gym, sauna...

Cosentino has been and will be the trusted partner of NREP and dSign for this and future co-living projects in Finland.

Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project




Blanco Orion


Gerelateerde case studies

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Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?

Image of Cosentino TR HOUSE 04 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in TR House - Cosentino

TR House

Case Study

Large format Dekton slabs to combine aluminium and glass on a façade

By RS Arquitectura

Image of Cosentino TR HOUSE 04 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in TR House - Cosentino


Sant Julià de Vilatorta, Barcelona, Spain




Blanc Concrete


350 m2


RS Arquitectura


Glued façade




8 mm

Blanc Concrete to blend the house into its surroundings

The RS Arquitectura studio is the mastermind behind this impressive single family home located in Sant Julià de Vilatorta, in the province of Barcelona (Spain). The creators of this project, which was successfully completed in August 2020, explain the creative concept and the challenges they faced.

The house is located in a prestigious area of natural beauty that RS Arquitectura wanted to highlight from the beginning of the project. For this purpose, the studio planned an L-shaped volume with pure and simple lines, which opens onto the garden and views, maintaining the necessary privacy and intimacy. The house has three levels, perfectly connected with each other, creating a seamless connection between the interior and exterior spaces.

The façade features three different claddings: Dekton is used as the main cladding, bringing elegance and subtlety to the space; then there is aluminium on the lower parts of the façade; finally, glass makes it possible to achieve this connection between the interior and exterior.

The finish chosen was Dekton Blanc Concrete. It is a material from the Tech Collection, reminiscent of concrete, which features small grey and beige veins on a white background. Its availability in large format slabs of 320 cm make it a perfect choice for a façade.

Image of Cosentino TR HOUSE 16 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in TR House - Cosentino

A non-porous material to withstand humid climates

Dekton was used as the main cladding of the house. It was installed using a cladding system with mechanical fasteners and adhesive cement. In addition to its unquestionable beauty, when it came to choosing this finish, the peace of mind of working with a material of great quality and purity and with the backing of a highly professional company was paramount.

Cosentino provided RS Arquitectura with technical advice throughout the entire construction process on a number of aspects such as the cutting and how to make the most of each slab without compromising on design. Cosentino also collaborated in the design of the façade, the training of the personnel in charge of installing it and the monitoring of the entire project to ensure that there were no problems.

In terms of product features, in addition to the extraordinary size of the slabs, RS Arquitectura highly appreciated Dekton's zero porosity. In humid climates with large temperature contrasts, such as Sant Julià de Vilatorta, a non-porous material is the best guarantee that it will age well.

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“We considered the possibility of using natural stone, specifically travertine, but we ruled it out because of its high price and porosity compared to Dekton, which also allowed us to work with larger pieces”
RS Arquitectura

RS Arquitectura

Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project


Blanc Concrete


Gerelateerde uitzonderlijke projecten

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Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?

Image of Cork residential facade 3 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=crop&ixlib=php 3.3 in Cork Residential - Cosentino

Cork Residential

Case Study

A Dekton Kira façade to withstand the Irish weather

Michael O’Brien

Image of Cork residential facade 3 1.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Cork Residential - Cosentino


Cork, Ireland


Glued façade






Michael O’Brien


1,2 cm



An impressive façade made of five materials

This spectacular home in the heart of Cork was completed in 2020 The designer, Michael O’Brien, wanted to do something different on the façade and Dekton immediately came to mind. Michael had discovered Dekton in the showroom of Hickey Granite. When he first saw it, he was impressed with the size of the slabs and the material’s resistance to external factors such as ultra-violet rays, freezing and scratching.

Dekton Kira was fitted on the front façade of the home and on the side walls, which are highly exposed to unfavourable weather conditions. It was also used to frame the windows of the barbecue area (ground floor) in a more aesthetically pleasing way.

The uniqueness of the Ballycotton house lies in the five elements of its façade: Dekton, natural stone, plaster, zinc and wood. The combination of textures works perfectly in both visual and functional terms. The materials used are low maintenance and ideal for a house situated on a cliff top and exposed to Irish weather conditions.

Dekton Kira: the perfect combination with stone

Once Dekton had been selected, the next step was to choose the most suitable colour from an infinite number of options. Michael opted for the Kira colour because it best matched the stone. To do this, he ordered several samples from Cosentino and fitted them, along with the other materials, in the right place and exposed to the light they were to receive. He fell in love with Kira’s small grey veining and texture.

As for the cutting of Dekton Kira, although the original idea was to use it in a large seamless format, in the end O’Brien preferred to cut it into long pieces of different widths. By doing so, the façade achieves a visual effect of greater height.

In this home, twelve 12mm thick slabs were used to clad an area of 100m2. The slabs were ‘glued’ directly onto an existing façade, which precluded the use of other more efficient systems, such as a ventilated façade, but significantly reduced the cost.

The use of five materials, the irregular cutting and its installation with adhesive are the special features of this unusual façade. Without a doubt, the façade is the best introduction to this impressive home perched on the cliffs of Cork.

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"I had seen Dekton in Hickey’s showroom and was impressed with the size of the slabs and their beauty"
Michael O’Brien

Michael O’Brien


Cosentino's materialen gebruikt in dit project

Gerelateerde uitzonderlijke projecten

Image of FOTO@1x.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&ixlib=php 3.3 in Cork Residential - Cosentino

Wil je de mogelijkheden van Dekton in gevels weten?