Welcome to Cosentino City Madrid

A space for design and architecture professionals to inspire, meet and create.

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Monday to Friday:

 10:00 - 19:00


 10:00 - 14:00

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Live the Cosentino City experience

The meeting point for interior design and architecture professionals in the heart of Madrid, on Paseo de la Castellana. With more than 1,000 m2 spread over three floors, Cosentino City Madrid includes an Atelier Lab, a central space as a library of materials where you can find inspiration and develop all kinds of projects. It also has various social areas and digital design tools. A space to learn about the materials used for worktops, flooring and cladding and to attend numerous meetings with professionals, exhibitions, round tables, showcookings, etc.


"Изборът на работа в Cosentino не само означава избор на материали с най-високо качество, но и партньорство с бранд, който цени иновациите, устойчивостта и високите постижения на всяка стъпка от проекта. Човешките ценности, прегърнати от целия екип на Cosentino, като смирение, самоусъвършенстване, усилия и страст към своята работа, съответстват на моите собствени ценности. Освен това, капацитетът за персонализиране, предлаган от всички материали на компанията, добавяйки стойност към всеки проект, означава, че винаги мога да разчитам на Cosentino. "

Virginia Albuja

Interior Designer

"Косентино Сити Мадрид е задължителна спирка за нашето студио. Широката гама от материали и прецизното внимание към нашите клиенти и към самите нас са от съществено значение за развитието на проектите ни. "

Miguel Fernández-Galiano


"Има отличен опит с Косентино Сити в Мадрид. Така имам възможност да разгледам и да докосна материалите за проектите си, да се наслаждавам на големи формати и всичко това - удобно, с качествени съвети и съвместно с моите клиенти. Това е полезно и практическо пространство, в което мога да работя по проектите си, заедно с моите клиенти и с нужната помощ."

Raúl Martins

Interior Designer

"It is very useful because you can see all of Cosentino materials without obligation and take samples of the colours with you. Also, the service is very good."

Gonzalo L.


"The lady who served us was very kind. They provide you with colour samples so that you can decide at home."

Gonzalo Benítez


"We were in the shop and were served by a very nice lady. We told her that we were not looking to buy anything, that we were doing some work at home and wanted to see the Silestone options for the kitchen worktop. Not only did she show us the model we asked her about, but she also showed us similar designs and introduced us to Dekton, which made us change our minds and choose this option in Kairos colour. She was lovely and very professional, we were very satisfied."

Nuria Álvarez


"We were served by a very nice lady. We had a question about the finish of our worktop and were delighted. It is a pleasure to meet real professionals."

David González


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