Anish Kapoor
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Monument to the victims of terrorism in Parque de la Memoria

Currently the world is facing a social problem that is much more urgent and harder to resolve than the disputes over the physical boundaries between nations: displacement (destierro), understood as the condition of those forced to abandon their country to escape wars or political conflicts. Anish Kapoor’s installation is a reaction to this situation. One hundred tons of earth dyed in a deep red tone occupy a previously passable space, keeping visitors from moving forward, as if under siege. The displacement of earth conditions the displacement of people. 

Bildnummer 32 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Destierro von Cosentino Österreich
©Anish Kapoor
Bildnummer 33 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Destierro von Cosentino Österreich
©Anish Kapoor
Bildnummer 34 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Destierro von Cosentino Österreich
©Anish Kapoor


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