Cosentino Design Challenge open to Canadian architecture and design students

Tags: news and events | 8 years ago | Written by: Cosentino

Cosentino wants Canadian architecture and design students to get creative! The 2016/2017 school year is well underway and Cosentino is excited to announce the 11th edition of the Cosentino Design Challenge. The international competition is now open to Canadian students enrolled in architecture and design programs, giving them the opportunity to submit their creative concepts in the hopes of landing a prestigious first place spot. The challenge offers students a chance to participate in a professional competition – a critical element of the industry.

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The Cosentino Design Challenge consists of two unique categories: Architecture and Design. The Architecture category asks students to reflect on “Cosentino and travel”, while in the Design category subject is based on “Cosentino and technology”. In both categories, students are at total liberty to develop their ideas with one single requirement, that the final project must include at least one Cosentino product. Throughout the competition, students are encouraged to visit Cosentino Centres to discover the company’s wide range of products. Cosentino currently has three Centres countrywide located in Quebec, Calgary and Vancouver, one City Centre located in Toronto, with their newest City Centre scheduled to open in Downtown Montreal this December.

The submission period for final project submissions is now open until June 7, 2017. All projects must be submitted exclusively in digital format via the competition website. The jury will choose the winners next June, with the finalists and their projects being announced publicly worldwide. Three first prizes will be awarded for each category of $1,000 USD each, plus three second place awards.

For more information, please visit:

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a partner school, please send an email to:

Cosentino design challenge